Ethics Policy


Our Business Principles govern the manner in which we at VULCAN Group conduct ourselves. These principles are established by the Group and are mandatory for each individual operating company. We apply these principles consistently across the Group, subjecting them to regular review, and we encourage feedback and comments on them.

Our Vision and Values

Our principles are aligned with best practices in corporate responsibility. We conduct our business responsibly and in full compliance with the laws and regulations of all countries where we operate. The company does not tolerate illegal or unethical behavior.

Economic Responsibility

We recognize the importance of delivering long-term, sustainable shareholder value. A strong financial base is essential for fulfilling our social and environmental responsibilities, ensuring the sustainability and continuity of our business.

Business Integrity

Our commitment to business integrity is clear and unwavering: dishonest practices distort markets and waste resources. We condemn corrupt and fraudulent activities, and we require transparency, integrity, and honesty in all aspects of our business.

At VULCAN, neither our employees nor agents are permitted to offer, condone, or authorize payments, gifts, or inducements to any individual for securing improper business advantages. This principle applies to both direct and indirect activities and relationships.

We do not solicit or accept gifts, payments, or any other advantages from any person or organization in return for providing improper business or other advantages.

VULCAN recognizes that facilitation payments are prohibited under the anti-bribery laws of most countries and complies with all relevant laws. Even in countries where such payments are not prohibited and form part of the business culture, they remain unacceptable at VULCAN, and our staff are instructed to report any such events to their line managers for further action.

Our staff may offer and accept modest entertainment and hospitality in the course of business, provided it is within reasonable local business practice and permissible under applicable laws. However, such acceptance is not allowed if it could be perceived as having a material impact on any business transaction, violates any applicable laws, or contravenes our business integrity principles.

No undisclosed or unrecorded account, fund, or asset shall be established or maintained by any person or organization. Full and proper records of all company transactions must be kept, with genuine supporting documents that accurately describe the nature of the transaction.

Embrace Excellence - Vulcan Principles, Service, Quality, and Value
Mechanical Seals | FEP/PFA Encapsulated ‘O’-Rings | Gland Packing | Expanded PTFE Gasketing
HR Contact: UK/World: +44 (0) 114 478 3906 / 3908 | |
ETHICS POLICY | Rev: 1 Nov 2023 | Author: AES/LKE | Approved: MC

Ethics Policy

All our staff must act with honesty and integrity, avoiding actual and apparent conflicts of interest in both personal and professional relationships.

Business Partners

We aim to build mutually beneficial relationships with our business partners and clients. The ability to comply with these business principles will be the primary factor in determining whether we can enter or maintain such relationships.

Any breach of the VULCAN Business Integrity Principles by a business partner will result in a review, likely leading to the termination of that relationship.

VULCAN staff who discover evidence of any activities by business partners that compromise our Business Principles are required to report such evidence to their line manager for further action.

M. J. Carter
Managing Director